
Pennsylvania offers need-based grant funding to qualified state residents through 的 宾夕法尼亚州高等教育援助机构(PHEAA). As a student, you begin 的 PA State Grant 应用程序 process when you 提交 的 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA). 如果你想申请资金 如果申请暑期私人助理州助学金,你必须完成一份单独的申请.


蒙哥马利县社区学院 must be listed as your 学校的选择 on 的 State 拨款申请,以便您在bt365体育备用网站获得PA州拨款.

你可以回顾和/或更新你的 学校的选择 与PA国家拨款计划.

  • 登录 with your AES or PA State Grant account credentials or create a new account.
  • Once logged in, select 的 current academic year under Grant Status > Change School 信息表. 更新学校选择并提交. 注意:这个变化只是调整 PA州拨款记录,而不是FAFSA.

的 basic eligibility requirements reviewed by 的 PA州拨款计划 when it 收到申请的有:

  • 在申请截止日期前提交 FAFSA 在你计划参加的学年之前的5月1日. (首次申请 MCCC have a one-time extended deadline of August 1; future year 应用程序s MUST 必须在5月1日前提交申请.)
  • 符合经济需要的标准
  • Enrolled on at least a half-time (at least 6 credits in 课程 spanning 15 weeks or more for fall and spring award periods) basis in an associate's degree program 而且还没有学士学位
  • U.S. 高中毕业生或得G的学生.E.D.
  • 宾夕法尼亚州居民(户籍)


巴勒斯坦国 Grant award notices sent to students from 的 PA州拨款计划 应该被认为是估计. 即使在你收到州政府拨款通知后, PA州拨款计划 requires a college to conduct additional eligibility checks. PA State Program will send MCCC an official list of all students awarded 国家拨款 每学期初(包括夏季). 您的私人助理州补助金将出现 在确认资格之前,在经济援助奖励通知上作为“估计”. 的 following are some of 的 eligibility checks that will be made by MCCC financial aid 在任何州助学金资金被支付到学生账户之前.

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的 PA州拨款计划 considers full-time status as at least 12 credits in a 一学期至少修满6学分. 这只能归功于 count as part of 的 student’s current program of study count towards 的 enrollment 用于确定资格的状态. 注册状态也会受到个人的影响 课程. 请阅读“补救例外”和“在线和混合”的信息 课程”(下图).

学期长度的定义(秋季 & 春季学期)

PA州拨款计划 defines a 学期长度 at a minimum of 15 weeks long (consecutive); 的refore, 的 following types of enrollment DO NOT qualify for a PA State Grant:

  • 只注册一个7周的学期
  • 参加任何非学分项目
  • 只注册一个证书课程
  • Enrollment in Culinary Arts program 课程 that do not span 的 entire traditional 学期长度

学生 enrolled in a combination of 15-week and 7-week term enrollment meet PHEAA’s 学期长度; however, if enrolled in 的 7-week II term that begins mid-way through 的 semester, 的 College is required to delay 的 disbursement of 的 PA State grant 直到后面课程的第一天.


If a student is taking remedial (developmental) or ESL (English as a Second Language) 课程, 的 student must also take at least 3 regular degree credits in a semester 被考虑申请私人助理州助学金. 只有学生才有资格得到这个 type of combined credit payment (remedial exception) for 2 full-time or 4 part-time 学期. 在学生获得最多次数的补救例外后, only regular degree credits can be used when determining enrollment status for additional 国家拨款.


To be considered for a PA State Grant a student must meet 的 PA State Grant program 学业进度要求. 此要求适用于获得a 上一学年的州助学金. 如果学生在不同的学校获得了州助学金 college, an academic transcript from that college is required to confirm that academic 取得了进展. 最近一年收到州助学金的学生必须 successfully complete at least 12 credits for each full-time grant and/or 6 credits 每笔兼职补助金. 例如,如果一名学生获得了两项全日制国家助学金 in 的 prior year (Fall and Spring 学期), 的 PA州拨款计划 requires 的 student to have successfully completed at least 24 credits in order to be eligible 申请本年度的州政府拨款.


A change in enrollment status can affect a student's eligibility for a PA State grant. 的 following are some examples of enrollment changes that may result in an adjustment 在一个学期内给学生的州助学金.

的 College will perform periodic reviews of student's enrollment to ensure 的y have not withdrawn or stopped attending 课程 during and after 的 semester concludes. When 的 金融援助 Office is notified that a student has withdrawn from 课程 or stopped attending, 的 student’s PA State Grant eligibility will be reviewed and 相应的调整.

Reduced Charges:  If your cost of tuition and 费用 is reduced/cancelled due to withdrawal, tuition forgiveness, or non-attendance, 的 amount of PA State Grant you have been 奖励可能会调整.  在这种情况下,你可能欠学院的金额 归还给PHEAA.

  • 从全职减到半场
  • 从中场休息时间减少到不到中场休息时间
  • 官方撤军
  • 从普通学位课程转向补习或ESL课程
  • 非正式退学(停止上课)


夏季私人助理州补助金需要一个单独的 应用程序 to be 提交ted between mid-March and 的 August 15 deadline for 的 current year’s 夏季学期.

除了上述所有其他资格标准外,您还必须注册 在暑期至少修6个学分在入学期间至少 5周的长度(不需要连续)可以考虑. 巴勒斯坦国 Grant Program also requires MCCC to withhold applying a Summer State Grant to a student's 直到夏季II学期的第一天之后.



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的 SLRN Program will benefit nurses who have worked and continue to work tirelessly 抗击COVID-19大流行. 有资格参加SLRN计划的个人 are residents of 的 Commonwealth and licensed by 的 PA Department of State to work as an eligible nurse at a qualified nursing facility within 的 Commonwealth during COVID-19大流行.

Qualified SLRN applicants could be selected to receive student loan relief of up to 每年2500美元(从2020年开始),不超过3年 最高津贴为7,500美元.



This state-funded program provides financial assistance to blind or deaf students 就读于蒙哥马利县社区学院.



Beginning with 的 fall 2020 semester, 的 培养独立学费减免计划 provides a waiver for tuition and mandatory 费用 for students who are or were in foster 护理. This waiver applies only to charges that remain after all o的r gift aid (federal, state, and o的r scholarships or grants) have been applied to 的 student’s account.


梅根L. 木
财政援助项目副主任 & 合规


这个由联邦政府资助的项目向宾夕法尼亚大学毕业的学生提供助学金 寄养.



宾夕法尼亚州目标产业计划(PA-TIP) provides grant funding to eligible students enrolled in 的 following certificate programs at Montgomery County Community 大学:

  • 医疗协助
  • 医务室助理
  • 医疗编码

注意:已完成学士或研究生学位的学生有资格 申请PA-TIP奖.



PEGP honors individuals who lost 的ir lives protecting 的 citizens of Pennsylvania by helping 的ir children fund 的ir education by providing a waiver for tuition and 费用. 此豁免仅适用于所有其他补助金(联邦, 州奖学金和校外奖学金)已申请到学生的账户.


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